Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Litany of Truths

From the belief that I am not enough…Deliver me, Jesus.

With the truth that I am loved…Fill me, Jesus.


From the belief that all hope is lost…Deliver me, Jesus.

With the truth that You make all things new…Fill me, Jesus.


From worrisome control over the future…Deliver me, Jesus.

With the truth that You have a glorious plan for my future…Fill me, Jesus.


From seeking my validation in others or what I do…Deliver me, Jesus.

With the truth that You created and see me as good…Fill me, Jesus.


From negative self-talk…Deliver me, Jesus.

With the belief that I am worthy of love…Fill me, Jesus.


From the belief that I have to do it on my own…Deliver me, Jesus.

With the truth that You long to provide and help me with everything…Fill me, Jesus.


From the fear of rejection…Deliver me, Jesus.

With confidence rooted in my beloved daughterhood…Fill me, Jesus.


From settling for mediocrity…Deliver me, Jesus.

With a burning desire for intimate union with You…Fill me, Jesus.


From guarding against the fullness of joy…Deliver me, Jesus.

With the truth that true hope does not disappoint…Fill me, Jesus.


From self-protection…Deliver me, Jesus.

With courage to be vulnerable…Fill me, Jesus.



            I humbly come before You today with full confidence that You desire complete restoration and healing for me. I place these petitions at Your feet, to be covered in Your Precious Blood. If there is anything else You would like me to offer You today, please reveal that now. *Period of silence*

            I offer these petitions to You as a trusting child. I submit these requests to Your Most Holy Will, fulfill them as you want to, when You desire to. I believe that You want what is best for me, and I accept however it is that You will answer these petitions.

            I ask that You continue to fill me with Your truth and love throughout this day, especially in moment of weakness and temptation. Help me to always have recourse to Your presence and Spirit, my constant companions.

            I offer this, in faith, through the intercession of Your Blessed Mother Mary for whom You refuse nothing.


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