I had underlined part of Jeremmiah 11:23, which reads
man is not a master of his way; man's course is not within his choice, nor is it for him to direct his step.
Next to that I wrote in at one point
Lord, 'Which way shall I go?' should be a prayer ever on my lips.
Woah. That's a challenge from God. A challenge we strive to rise to with every choice we make, every step we take. For every smallest thing we do is either the fulfillment of God's will, thus bringing us closer to Him, or the rejection of God's will. Every. Little. Thing.
Nothing is too small to matter to God. God knows everything and has a plan for all the beautiful everythingness. There is a reason you should drive this route to work, or cut the grass today. You may not always know God's reasoning, because well let's be honest He doesn't follow our reasoning so He is kinda hard to figure out, eh maybe that has something to do with the fact that He is all-knowing and we are not. Possibility. But I'd bet my money on that possibility.
"Ask and you shall receive." ~ Matthew 7:7
Continually ask God what your next step should be. Ask Him during each moment to guide you so that you follow His will. Ask and you shall receive.
Peace and Blessings :)
You should really get a "Life Relevent" button... or a "LOVE" button... preferably both. Just sayin'... This was beautiful and much needed. Thank you!!