Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why Me?

Often times I find myself asking this question when I am feeling inadequate in life. Not that I am not good enough, but rather that God is too good towards me. I find myself wondering why God has chosen me to be gifted with so much.

I have been blessed with friends who love and care for me, keep me accountable as well as challenge me, and accept and trust me no questions asked. Another great blessing of mine is my family who loves me exactly as I am and, I am discovering, comprise a large portion of the core of my very self. I am also fortunate for my good health, all the opportunities that are open to me, as well as to be receiving and have received a wonderful education.

What did I do to deserve all this? NOTHING. Which is the main reason I find it difficult to accept gifts from God. Our society tells us that we have to work for and earn everything needed for our survival, so when someone freely gives us something we are taken aback, unsure of what to do.

So, if I didn’t do anything to deserve this, as none of us do, I am led back to the question of “Why me?” Why did God choose me? Was it merely by chance that I have received so many blessings? For, surely someone else could be putting all these gifts to better use for furthering God’s kingdom than I. Maybe I have been granted these gifts so they can be taken away, because that is what I truly deserve…to remain alone, unhappy, and broken. The speculations could go on for hours. The maybes will never end.

The good news is these questions, doubts, and worries are all FALSE! There is a reason I was chosen. God has a plan and a purpose for me and all he had blessed me with. We are all lowly, broken sinners. God blesses us anyways. ACCEPT His gift. For “He is the Lord, He will do what He judges best.” ~ 1 Samuel 3:18

1 comment:

  1. "It's hard accepting Your grace in a world where nothing's free."
    -Sanctus Real :)
