Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ramblings of a College Student

As the semester is drawing to a close, I have been trying to dedicate time to reflecting on it, how it went, how I’ve grown, and ways I still need to grow and develop and so on.

This semester was very busy for me, which lead to times of spiritual, physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. However, it was because of this busyness that I was forced to evaluate my priorities in life, something I had been putting off for awhile now. I had to decide whether it was more important for me to go to Pasta and Prayer or study for my test the following day, or should I have a good, much needed talk with a friend instead of catching up on sleep I’ve been missing. Decisions like these are difficult to make, because both options are good and appealing. One is not necessarily better than the other, but most likely one leads to fulfilling God’s will and the other to fulfilling my own. It was definitely challenging at times to discern which path was God’s will and which was my own, but I persevered through the wrong decisions and enjoyed the correct ones, and all in all it was a really good semester.

Upon further reflection, I started to develop a list of things that I’ve learned or will take away from this semester and that list is what I am going to share with you all today. This list is by no means complete; as there are probably many things I have learned or will take with me from the semester that I could not call to mind while writing this.

• You are never alone, no matter how distant you may feel from God or everyone in your life

• Saying you believe/will do something is completely different than actually believing/doing it.

• Love is not always easy and full of good feelings, but if it is real it must hurt maybe not right now but eventually it will

• Admitting that you have failed, need help, don’t have all the answers is actually a sign of strength and not of weakness

• It is important to find out and stick to what is right and good for me, for what may be right for someone else could be totally wrong for me.

• It is more important to be who God made me to be than to be what people what or expect me to be, no matter how difficult or challenging it may be to find out who that is and then to live out my life as that person.

• To be happy with my life as it is and not wish that it was different, for each person, struggle, and situation that is involved in my life was placed there by God with a purpose.

• Our Mother Mary can teach us all so much, if only we strive to get to know her better and let her reveal herself to us.

All in all, it was a wonderful semester full of ups and downs, and crazy turns. I got to experience many new “firsts”, develop relationships with people I barely knew, and take on various leadership positions. Though I enjoyed this time spent at the Rock, I am sure glad that break is upon us now.


  1. Watching you grow and experiencing new situations was such a blessing this semester. Believe me when I say you are an inspiration...God has blessed you with a great gift of understanding and discernment.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Louie. This was great!
    "Saying you believe/will do something is completely different than actually believing/doing it."

    This spoke a lot to me this semester too. :)

  3. This post is awesome! It's amazing what we can learn about ourselves and others if we just pay attention and not let the distractions of life take over!
