Trust. It is one of the most fundamental elements in any relationship, whether that be with an employer, a close friend, mother, God, anyone. Trust is so easily broken, and very carefully built over a period of time. Trusting someone means that you place yourself, your most intimate thoughts, the depths of your soul within their hands knowing that they will comfort you, guide you, protect you. You believe whole heartedly that they have your best interest in mind, and thus will not hurt you in any way.
Trust is such a delicate and intimate part of life. It is so fragile, one wrong step and it can be taken away or reduced significantly. But if it is still present, it is the foundation for which a deeply personal relationship can form. Trust takes time to learn, for it is only with experience that one can decide who to trust with much and who to trust with little. It is only by being hurt, having your trust broken, that one can develop a clearer understanding of trust and all that small word brings along with it.
Recently, God has been pointing out to me that trust is something that I still need to develop more fully in all of my relationships, including my relationship with Him. I am not too sure why, but for as long as I can remember I have been reluctant in sharing personal thoughts, happenings, struggles, and failures with those around me, no matter how close a confidant I consider them. To me, some things just seem so personal and deep that if I shared them with someone I would feel completely exposed and I guess that is what scares me the most. When exposing the most intimate parts of my life with someone I am unsure of how they will react towards me and I fear that I will be hurt in some way. Currently, I am working on developing a deeper sense of trust with those close to me because I know that those around me are wonderful resources, guides, comforters and just people who will listen when that is what is needed. It is a nerve-wracking road that is for sure, but one that I know will lead to deeper relationships that are more balanced, which is something I long for because I feel that all too many of my relationships our heavily weighted on the other person due to my lack of openness and sharing.
I want to leave you with a quote that I found somewhere that I cannot remember at the moment. Here it goes: “God sees that you do not honor Him sufficiently with holy trust. Trust in Him and you will have the fulfillment of what your heart desires.” Peace to you on this journey.
Great post! I completely agree!