Lent is almost upon us, so I have been spending some extra time thinking about various aspects of it recently.
I’ll be the first to admit that in the past I haven’t been too fond of Lent. It always seemed to come at a bad time for me (but isn’t that when we need it the most?). Usually Lents starts a little over month after the New Year, I have already forgone my New Year’s Resolution and then to be asked to make another resolution! Why? So I can fail at one more thing? Keep one fewer promises to myself? Lent always seemed like much more of a chore, than a process undergone to unite my sufferings with Jesus’ and grow closer to Our Father.
As Lent began creeping up on me this year I was trying to think in advance what I wanted to give up, add, and change throughout this time of self-denial. I must have written out about three or four various plans of actions in the span of two weeks, and it seemed like they were ever changing, one completely different from the next. I was trying so hard to find the perfect combination of giving up and taking up. Wanting something that would be challenging, but not too much so, because I wanted to be able to keep it without putting in too much effort, but enough to make it seem like a sacrifice.
I had been trying so hard for so long to formulate the game plan that I thought was a winner. A plan that involved an amount of self-sacrifice and denial that I would be able to handle without having to put in too much effort, in order for me to be able to say that I fulfilled my Lenten promises and never slipped up. And then this morning it hit me. I didn’t have to find a plan that kept me inside my comfort zone and would be easy to accomplish daily. I could have things on my list that were real challenges, and I might not succeed fully everyday in keeping those promises to myself. But you know what?! That’s OKAY!! For even Christ Himself stumbled and fell under the weight of His cross!
Falling makes up a good portion of the journey. You get knocked down so you remember to look up, to God, the one who can get you through anything and is always there to lift you when you fall. If you never fell the walk would not be as satisfying, for there is much more satisfaction in overcoming obstacles and doing something challenging than in completing something simple on the first go around.
So why stick to the easy things this Lent? Why not add something to your Lenten list that seems like a bit of a stretch? The only person it would hurt if you don’t is yourself. God thinks winning you over is worth all the effort….do you think serving, loving, and following God is worth all the effort? Will you give God all that He has already given you?
Prayers and Blessing for you as we enter this Lenten season. May Mama Mary care for you along this journey as she so desired to do for her son along His journey to Calvary.