Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Apple of His Eye

Today, while on the way to the dry cleaners with a friend God spoke to me. We were listening rather loudly to Matt Maher, a favorite of ours, with the windows down simply enjoying the weather. All of a sudden God whacks me good and hard, in order to open my eyes to a fault that is all too easy to fall into.
The song "Look Like a Fool" came on, and it was through this song that God worked some magic today. I typically only pay attention to the chorus because those are the words I know best and I'm usually singing along, but today I sang along to the chorus and actually LISTENED to the verses. Woah, I know, actually listening to what you are saying....radical idea there.
The second verse opens with the lyrics, "All God's children are the apple of His eye, even the ones we can't stand sometimes." I heard that and in my head was like "woah". That's intense. It made me rerealize just how special each and every one of us are in God's eye. He loves each of us endlessly, no matter what. No conditions. Totally free. As we have learned since we were little kids, we are called to love one another as God loves us. Which means we must love all endlessly, no matter what, no conditions. We can't just love those that it is easiest for us to love, because God loves all of us all the time. We too then must love all people fully, even those who we can't stand sometimes.
Oh, how this is difficult. People can frustrate and anger you so easily sometimes, that you can't even think of loving them. All you can think about is what they have done to you, how you have been hurt....you, you, you....it's all about you. Now stop for a second and think about God. If God thought about these things everytime someone hurt, frustrated, angered, or turned on Him we would all be in big trouble.
Instead, God continues to love us despite our actions towards Him. It is like our actions towards Him do not affect His love towards us in a negative or positive way. His love is a constant stream, always flowing. The boulder we throw into the stream doesn't stop the stream from flowing, the stream simply finds another way around the boudler. We should try and imitate this love, love like a steady stream, towards our fellow man especially when it is difficult.
This won't be easy. Boulders can be quite large sometimes, you may think there is no way you can continue to love this person, but don't give up hope!! You may feel your stream start to run dry and become merely a trickle, but remember that God can do all things. So ask Him to give you love in order that you may give away His love to the person you are finding it difficult to love. If you continue to do this long enough, you will find that soon enough you are no longer giving away the love you asked God to give you, but rather you are giving away your own love.
Soooo, that was a series of random thoughts stemming from those couple lines. I hope this was what someone needed to hear. God Bless. Remember that YOU are God's favorite! :)