Saturday, February 2, 2013

Litany of Love

Litany of Love

Even when I don’t feel anything----Love

Even when I feel poorly towards another----Love

Even when I don’t see any good----Love

Even when all seems pointless----Love

Even when all appears hopeless----Love

Even when I am hurt----Love  

Even when I am slighted----Love

Even when I seem empty----Love

Even when I get nothing----Love

Even when it is not received----Love

Even when it is unnoticed----Love

Even when it is forgotten----Love

Even when it is betrayed----Love

Even when it is taken advantage of----Love

Even when it is taken for granted----Love

Even when it is unwanted----Love

Even when it seems nothing will help----Love

Even when it seems too far gone----Love

Even when all seems lost----Love

Even when you struggle to be----Love

Especially when it is difficult----Love

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Love and Fear

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears in not yet perfect in love." ~ 1 John 4:18

People who fear have not accepted or do not like a possible consequence of an action or lack of action they have/are thinking about taking. While love on the other hand welcomes anything that will come. It does not worry about what may happen, but trusts that God will make all things work for good of those who love Him.

Love is concerned less about what will or may happen and more concerned about what is happening now! Fear lives in the unknown of the futures, while love lives in the reality of the present.

The present is where we are now, the only thing that we have any influence over. So, as love, we too should strive to live in the present and not the future, as fear does. Live in Love, and He will live in you.